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A Hertzbreakerz project in collaboration with Duo Dubois
The idea was born out of a practical need. The Duo Dubois is in search of a repertoire that is easily transportable, with a light and practical setup that allows the performers to fit the entire setup of the program in a manageable luggage.
This practical need for “portable music” offered Hertzbreakerz a reference to a praxis of the nineteenth century: the arie da baule - these arias being pieces that were inserted whenever it was needed in an opera.
To tighten this connection to the arie da baule, the composers are asked to relate, in some way, to the classical opera aria repertoire. The aria becomes an objet trouvé that gives the new piece its root material.
The project is funded by Musikverket.
Concert program:
Alessandro Perini: How to conjure the spirit of Lucy in three steps, via telephone (2021) for two performers and electronics;
Jonatan Sersam: Platform findings (2021) for trunk and saxophone;
Francesco Del Nero: Autoritratto di un'aria (2021) for saxophone, percussion and MIDI controller;
Justina Repeckaite: Ciclo Continuo (2021) for soprano saxophone, snaredrum and objects;
Simone Corti: Songs from the trunk (2021) for alto saxophone, kaosspad and snaredrum.
30/10 - 01/11/2020 Residency at the IAC, Malmoe (SE);
01/06/2021 Concert at the IAC, Malmoe (SE);
02/06/2021 Concert for the Lund Contemporary Music Festival (SE);
11/06/2021 Concert for Taverna Maderna, Padova (IT);
25/09/2021 Concert for SMOG, Bruxelles (BE);
06/11/2021 Concert for Maison Ventidue, Bologna (IT);
22/01/2022 Concert for DME Festival, Lisbon (PT);