Duo Dubois
Saxophone and percussion
Juan Manuel Lopez Lopez - El margen de indefinicion (2000)
Philippe Leroux - Airs (2003)
Written for the Duo:
Maura Capuzzo - Scura e incerta la lunga leggerezza del mare (2018)
Andrea Nicoli - Il bosco del fatonero (2018)
Maurizio Azzan - Tutte le estensioni dell'aura (2019)
Maria Teresa Treccozzi - Orazion Picciola (2019)
Alessandro Perini - How to conjure the spiriti of Lucy in three steps, via telephone (2020/21)
Simone Corti - Songs from the trunk (2021)
Justina Repeckaite - Ciclo continuo (2021)
Luca Guidarini - Construction.Configuration:Automation (or FALC: toward a labor-
free society) (2020/22) -
Roberto Vetrano - Acustica II (2022)
Zeno Baldi - TRI (2023)
In Progress:
Maurilio Cacciatore - TBA
Carlo Elia Praderio - TBA
Saxophone, percussion and piano:
Stefano Gervasoni - Rigirìo (2000/22)
For two performers:
Michael Mahierhof - Schwingende Systeme, C (2016-17)
Sarah Nemtsov - Drummed variation (2014)